March 2022 Newsletter

Cazan Lake

While I haven't made it up to Cazan Lake yet, I've gotten reports that both Great Egrets and Roseate Spoonbills are there in numbers. Cazan Lake has been one of our best places to photograph both of those birds as well as woodpeckers and Prothonotary Warblers. Last year things were late because of unseasonably cold weather in February. That did not happen this year. So things are on track for the April tour. I've secured the passes for the photo tour and rented the small cabin near the rookery, so we have a place to unwind and regroup as needed as we did last year.

Roseate Spoonbill bringing a stick to the nest. The Roseate’s were flying up a cut in the trees returning to the nest with sticks. There was a power line in the path and they would slow down and climb to avoid the line. making for an excellent opportunity to catch them in flight.

Pelicans and Hurricane Damage

I've not gone down to photograph the Pelicans south of Houma this year due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida. Where I went was directly in the path of the hurricane, and I've decided not to go down there until things have gotten back to normal there. Things are still in recovery here in Houma, and I've been tending to the small stuff damaged at my house. Fortunately the storm passed far to the East of where we conduct the tours.

Osprey bringing a stick for the nest. Henderson Swamp 2021

Spring Tours

Green Backed Heron Fishing Miller’s Lake 2021

Space is still available for the April 24th and May 22nd tours. The May 10th tour is already full, but if you want to do this tour, please get in touch with me to be placed on a waitlist as often people's schedules change.

Fall Tours

Lake Martin 2021

I've also scheduled a Fall Photo Tour for November 28th and am working with Chuck Haney for another one on November 14th.

Information and Tour signup

You can find information and sign up for my tours here.

You can find information and sign up for the tour with Chuck Haney here.

Prothonotary Warbler - Cazan Lake 2021