Photographing Cattle Egrets in Louisiana

A Cattle Egret Taking off



  • Native to Africa, the Cattle Egret has expanded its range worldwide, adapting to various environments.

  • First recorded in the Americas in the late 19th to early 20th century, likely arriving via natural dispersal across the Atlantic.

  • Their successful expansion is attributed to their adaptability and ability to exploit agricultural landscapes and human-modified habitats.

Migration and Distribution

  • Resident vs. Migratory: Cattle Egrets can be either resident or migratory, depending on their location.

  • In the southern U.S. and Louisiana, many remain year-round, but some migrate south during colder months.

  • Migration occurs in populations found in temperate regions, where they move to warmer climates during winter.

  • Found across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

Cattle Egrets Building their Nest



  • Diet: Insects, frogs, small fish, and other invertebrates make up their diet.

  • Foraging Strategy: Known for their unique habit of following large animals (cattle, horses, and even tractors) to catch insects disturbed by movement.

  • They also hunt in shallow water, grasslands, and near freshly plowed fields.

Mating and Breeding

Cattle Egrets Courting

Breeding Season: Typically occurs in spring and summer, depending on location.

  • Where They Nest: Nest in colonies, usually in trees or shrubs near water.

  • Courtship Displays: Males engage in displays such as head bobbing, twig shaking, and vocalizations to attract females.

  • Nest Building: Males collect sticks while females arrange them into a nest.

  • Monogamy: They are seasonally monogamous, forming pairs for one breeding season.

  • Eggs & Incubation: Lay 3-4 eggs, which hatch in about 21-26 days. Both parents take turns incubating and feeding chicks.

  • Fledging: Chicks leave the nest around 30 days after hatching but stay dependent on parents for some time.

Interaction with Other Species

  • Frequently seen foraging near cattle, horses, deer, and large animals, taking advantage of insects they stir up.

  • Share breeding sites with other egrets, herons, ibises, and cormorants.

  • Can be aggressive in defending feeding territories, particularly during breeding season.



  • Breeding Plumage: Develop orange-buff plumes on head, chest, and back.

  • Non-Breeding Plumage: Mostly white, with yellow bill and legs.

  • Juvenile Appearance: Similar to adults but may have duller bills and legs.


  • Length: Around 18–22 inches (46–56 cm).

  • Wingspan: About 35–38 inches (89–96 cm).

  • Weight: Typically 9–18 oz (270–510 g).

Conservation Status

  • Least Concern (LC) due to their large and increasing population.

  • They have adapted well to human-modified landscapes, benefiting from agricultural expansion.

  • No significant threats, but habitat destruction and pesticide use can impact local populations.


Cattle Egrets are highly adaptable birds that have successfully spread across the world. Their unique feeding behavior, interaction with livestock, and preference for open habitats make them easy to spot. Whether resident or migratory, they play a vital role in controlling insect populations and enriching wetland ecosystems.