Lake Martin 2023 update
Great Egret from the boat at Lake Martin
I previously wrote about Lake Martin's current situation. Many changes have occurred at the lake over the past few years. Firstly, the boat launch and several surrounding areas were inaccessible for over a year due to a property dispute. Although much of the dispute has been resolved, some places we could photograph are still restricted. Fortunately, the peninsula next to the launch we used to photograph sunsets, is now open again.
Lake Martin Panoramic Sunset
Rookery Road is now closed on the south side of the lake. We can no lnnger drive to where the rookery is to check on the progress or diretly drive to teh visitors center. The visitors center is now only infrequently opened and the boardwalk is damaged and is not passible. The last time I could drive by the rookery, very few birds were visible.
During the spring tour we were unable to get any good photographs from the road. Next spring I don't plan on photographing there From the road.
Great Egret on a log at Lake Martin
Now for some good news! We have captured many great images from the spring and fall tours on the boat in the lake. We also took beautiful cypress scene photos during the fall tours.
So for now, look elsewhere during the sping if you're not in a boat. Photography from the boat is still exceptionaly good. Fall Cypress and susnet photograph is as good as ever.
So, photography from the road probably needs to be improved; look elsewhere. Photographing from a boat is very good and worth the trip. Fall Cypress Scenes and Sunsets are still good options.
Alligator on a log–Lake Martin